More than an annual report

More than an annual report, Dear GSJ is a letter to the community, and a report on the regional economy – written for every resident of Greater Saint John.

More than an annual report, Dear GSJ is a letter to the community, and a report on the regional economy – written for every resident of Greater Saint John.


“We believe in this community and the people who live here,” said Ron Gaudet, CEO of EDGSJ. “Dear GSJ describes economic development in simple terms: what is really going on in our economy, what initiatives are underway and where we most need to lean into challenges and opportunities.”


The document sets context for readers, outlining the EDGSJ vision, focus areas, and strategic goals for 2019-2021; it explains the ecosystem in which EDGSJ operates, listing municipalities, strategic partners and government partners; and, it defines important terminology used in discussions about economic development.


“Our Report on the Economy leaves no doubt that the Saint John economy is facing economic and demographic challenges. Data on building permits, labour force and unemployment rates helps to paint that picture,” said Gaudet. “However, there was also a lot of good news in 2018, including a modest population increase. We believe the future is bright, provided we collaborate on key priorities.”


“It’s a spirit of collaboration that will lead to a better tomorrow for Greater Saint John,” said Andrew Oland, EDGSJ Chairperson. “Achieving our vision for a prosperous Greater Saint John region depends upon a community of individuals, volunteers, business owners, politicians and workers that are all fully aligned behind the long-term effort and the collaboration required to get the job done.”


The potential for the future of Greater Saint John’s economy is exciting. Some of the important work ahead includes expanding the number of people moving to our region, increasing the size of our labour force to meet the demands of industry, and creating opportunities for innovation.


Regarding the organization’s year-one strategic goals, EDGSJ is well on its way to meeting targets for its four focus areas – Workforce Development, Business Investment & Innovation, Entrepreneur Development, and Marketing Greater Saint John.


Dear GSJ is available to read and download at

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